Sunday, July 11, 2010

Presenting Mr. Puss Daddy

Just when you think it's about as good as it gets, that this white trash life of hers can't get any better a photo of her husband appears. Oh he's a looker alright and if you haven't had enough of her true nature. Check this out before she deletes it in a hurry, when she reads this again and realizes what a total asshole she really is.

These are her own posts of July 11

Hey, Stupid Bitch CatsAreHuman
I didn't talk about my friend. I talked about her Mom. Her Mom isn't my fucking friend, and you evidently missed the part about where she talks behind my back all the time. Not to mention both she and her husband are healthy and don't work because they are on drugs. You feed her fucking lazy, two-faced, thieving ass if you want to. I bought her some fucking peanuts which is more than I should have done and I didn't have to do that. I supposed I should have bought her the over-priced water bottle too and served her chilled fucking martinis in it? She once stole my medication I got for having a car wreck when she came to visit me. I know it was her because it was there when she got here and gone when she left. How fucking sorry did she feel for me when I was in pain? Her own daughter (the one who had surgery)tells me herself not to let my purse sit when her Mom is around because she will get in it and steal. She and her husband are as old as I am and they can feed their fucking selves if they get jobs but all they want to do is sit around and do drugs. So this woman is not my fucking friend, OK? She is my friend's mother with whom I have put up with for 15 years because she is fucking there, OK? I didn't say much about my friend except that her surgery went well and she is doing fine.

So kiss my ass and call it a love story. I really bother some of you people don't I? Good, because you deserve to be bothered IMHO. You don't bother me but I sure as shit bother you. I'm laughing my ass off at you. Take some fucking Xanax and calm the hell down and come back and make stupid threads in your real Etsy name like you usually do. There's nothing worse than a hysterically desperate sock puppet who can't fucking comprehend what they read well enough to fucking figure out that it was not my friend being discussed, but her Mother with whom there is no love lost between us. You are a good, brave *snicker* sock puppet to post your shit anonymously as if anyone fucking cares in the first damn place.

Before I left their house I left my friend, the person who actually had surgery and who IS actually my fucking friend, the sum total of $11, because SHE is my fucking friend and her fucking Mother isn't. And I gave my friend $10 the last time I saw her as well along with a roll of toilet paper to take home because they were out. Three fucking adults in a house ought to be able to figure out how to wipe their own asses, ya think? And in March or April I bought her and her boyfriend their wedding rings as my wedding present to them. And I just lent my other friend who is being treated with radiation and chemo for lung cancer $1,000.00 to get a car or get her car fixed so she can make it to treatment because her car broke. I suppose if I did mention stuff that I do for people or animals and the homeless and things I would then be an obnoxious braggart for doing that too? Because trust me I am 100% confident that I do more for all of these than you fucking do. I did in fact pay for an entire table at Christmas for the homeless to eat here
and my Paypal is full of payments I have made to one person or animal or another, besides which when I pay on eBay I often choose to donate to some organiziation for Mission Fish along with my payment. So don't fucking talk to me about what I should or should not be doing for people because you don't know me, ok psycho nutter? Because I do my fair share, but I choose who I do it for because it is my fucking money, get it?

And no I am not turning on comments on my blog just for you. You are just going to have to deal with the frustrated frenzy you have worked yourself up into and keep making sock puppet threads on Etsy-why would I want your bullshit here? When that isn't working for you anymore you can twiddle your fucking twat, if you know how, and if you don't know how make a fucking thread and ask for instructions.

And don't worry about when I sleep bitch-you're not sleeping with me. And if anyone were sleeping with your ass your problems would probably mostly be solved. Did I say I went to sleep at 4:30? No I said I got home at 4:30. And I ate. And I went to sleep. The fucking food didn't make itself you know-it took time to cook it. Then I took a shower and lay down on the couch and watched TV until I fell asleep, but I didn't know you were keeping track of my sleep schedule or I would have mentioned this other extraneous bullshit that I left out. So I doubt I could get home at 4:30, do all of this, and go to sleep at 4:30. Although I go to sleep any fucking time I damn well please and if it is 4:30 it is fucking 4:30.

Read what this idiot things of her friends

Dont ask again why this idiot wa banned from the forums


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Posted by PussDaddy at 12:58 PM
Labels: CatsAreHuman, hospital
So I Took My Friend To The Hospital
and stayed with her while she had her gall bladder removed. She seemed to have a pretty easy time of it, and is doing ok, as I have called to check up on her. She stays with her Mom and step-dad right now.

Anywho, her Mom was there with us too. Oddly both of us are named Pam. So my friend is in a room waking up from surgery and they are finally allowing her to get dressed when her Mom decides she wants to go outside and smoke a cigarette. So I go too so my friend can have some privacy. We are minutes away from getting in the car and driving home but do we do that? Hell no! Because her Mom trips on the sidewalk that is under construction back on her way into the hospital and busts her ass really hard, scraping herself all up and bruising her hip and shoulder really bad. So they take her into the emergency room and x-ray her, and treat her, and medicate her, and this takes more time. Oddly the hospital valets that were delivering cars at the front door saw this and laughed as did everyone else standing around while I helped her up. Basically I was at the hospital from 7:30 A.M. until about 3:30 P.M. for what should have only taken 3 or 4 hours tops.

But wait! It still isn't over yet. We go to a Walgreens drive-thru that is directly on the way home to fill both of their prescriptions and they said it will be a 20 minute wait. So we park in the shade for that amount of time then go back to the drive-thru only to be told that the doctor forgot to put the miligrams on my friend's prescription and they are calling to get it. So we wait some more. And we are hot, and both of the people in the car are in pain, and one looks like a heroin addict basically because she just woke up from surgery, so we are all sort of sitting there sweltering and complaining and stuff. And this girl pulls up to the other speaker and keeps shooting us dirty looks for some reason, so finally I get tired of it and say real loud "If that girl looks at me like that one more time I am going to get out of this car and rip her eyeballs out of her face and she will never roll her eyes at anyone else!" Which was pure bloviation and bluster on my part, but it made her stop staring at us, which was good because I wasn't in the mood for any more bullshit. Finally they come to the window and say they cannot locate the doctor and to leave the prescription and come back later. So we do that.

Also while in the hospital waiting for my friend to get out of surgery her Mom kept saying how hungry she was, she was faint from hunger, she was starving, blah blah blah. Basically hinting for me to buy her something to eat. I ignored her. She is my age and has a husband so one of them should be able to feed her. So we go into the hospital gift shop to waste time and she latches onto this silver and red bandana print water bottle and goes on and on about how much she loves it and wants it and how it is the perfect size and she would give anything to have it and blah blah blah and I just stand there looking at her. Then I go buy myself a necklace and earring set just so show her I could buy this stuff for her that she is whining about if I wanted to so evidently I don't want to. I also bought a bag of burnt peanuts and gave the starving waif a handfull. I mean she acted like she was some little kid and I was an adult who was going to buy her a pretty or a toy or something. I wasn't going to feed her broke, starving ass because I know for a fact she talks about me behind my back, so she can eat fucking burnt peanuts and drink from a water fountain and kiss my ass. If you want people to do nice stuff for you don't be so fucking two-faced.

End of story? Not quite. That would be too easy wouldn't it? So I get my friend and her Mom home and settled in, and I finally get home, and it is about 4:30 P.M. by now. I eat and thank God that it is all over and that I can eat something besides burnt peanuts now without having some starving loser eyeball my food and salivate and mentally masticate it for me and make me feel guilty because I can afford to eat, and I go to sleep only to have my friend wake me up because she was calling over and over to tell me she can't find her I.D., to please look in my car, which I do and I find it. I set it aside until she can come get it. So really this isn't over until she gets her I.D. back. I would take it to her but I do not know her part of town and had to have instructions on how to get home from there. So she is going to have to come after it when she feels better, although she seems to be doing just fine right now so that is a good thing.

Why does everything always have to be so fucking complicated?


This is by far the most telling image of who this person truly is. She has blogged about most of her friends having some sort of drug issue but this is very telling indeed. First of all if this friend of hers has a mother who is such an insane crackhead why even associate with her in the first place. And the mother is her age so how old is this daughter? Why would someone hang out with someone so much younger unless of course you are buying drugs from her and her nutty parents? I feel sorry for anyone associated with this dreg but imagine someone wants to help you by going to the hospital with you and then posting something so outlandish about your own parents? And wait, it gets better, she posts something else bragging about how she gave this person paper to clean their ass because these people are such losers they go to visit a friend only to get tissue to clean their bum? Terrific. You are indeed a class act, not just to hang out with it but then to write about it. After this woman has taken your "pain medication" and after her daughter herself has warned you she would steal from you, you spend the day flaunting your cash by buying stupid jewelry from a gift shop at a hospital while someone complains over and over again that she's hungry? Yes, you are indeed a charitable class act. In my years on the internet I have never read anything nearly this insane, disgusting and down right cruel and this is all about her FRIEND??? Where is this friend's husband? The one she had to buy the rings for? And is this the same friend she wrote a blog about visiting in some prison because she was selling drugs? Yeah, class act indeed. Her life is something out of a horrid crime novel and she's somehow the hero because she's the internet wonder. I have her address and I have run a google earth on her home. It's shocking, really where she lives, how she lives, all quite pathetic indeed. This bitch is so pathetic she emails people to comment on her blog entries. Do you think she emailed her "friend" to read how she's splayed her life all over the internet and painted her family as a bunch of dead beat drug addicts?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Ok, this one is great too. Name one racist thing I've typed here. One. I dare you. Furthermore I am not poetsummer. I was around long before she was and if you read innocent Pam's blog you'd know there are 300 people who hate her. I am going to post something today that shows how many people dislike her.


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